Zero Waste Field: Develop an environmental pilot program that addresses energy, water, waste and carbon at the Baseball Hall of Fame and initiatives at existing youth fields to highlight meaningful actions that improve both bottom-line and environmental performance.

Green Sports Alliance/PFTP will collaborate to promote and guide the development of sustainable upgrades that MLB teams can make to support youth baseball and softball in local communities as well as increase youth engagement around sport and the environment. This also provides an opportunity to highlight the good work being done by the league and MLB venues.  

The goal of the program is to have all 30 MLB teams pledge to adopt a youth field and to develop a plan that will make sustainable improvements to support youth sports in their community. This will engage young sports fans and provide an additional platform to enhance the messaging of MLB’s Discovery Education youth programs as well support the RBI program.

Showcasing the sustainable practices among stadiums in Major League Organizations as seen in the Game Changer Report

As part of PFTP x Parley’s continued effort to avoid and ultimately eliminate SUP, HOF/Youth Field  will seek to terminate the sales of single-use plastic water bottles. {Company of choice} will outfit HOF/Youth program grounds with refillable water. 


1. As part of the partnership with S’well Bottle and Parley for the Oceans and the potential PFTP bottle that will be released as part of their “Skin in the Game” line, bottles will be gifted to each person in attendance/gifted to each youth participant at the HOF Kick-Off Softball game. 

2. Reusable bottles will be sold in the gift shops and concession areas. This will promote the use of refillable water bottles and in return we can install a program to amplify their current recycling practices, much like current refillable stations.  

Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image.

